Saturday 25 December 2021


It was almost like a normal Saturday. Woke up at 9am to dull and dreary skies. Went straight downstairs and topped up the bird feeders with some special treats of organic apple, sultanas, mealworms and some of my granary bread on the bird table for my Blackbirds. Lots of birds in the garden this morning and at one point, I had at least 30+ Starlings squabbling over the mealworms! Lots of House Sparrows, Robin, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Coal Tit, Hedge Sparrow, Collared Doves and Wood Pigeons.

Made the Victoria Sandwich and a Banana & Pecan Loaf. Had scrambled eggs on toast for mid morning breakfast. Took forever to wash everything up and tidy up. Phoned both my sisters to wish them Merry Christmas. Didn't bother with Christmas lunch. Had a shower, washed hair and got glammed up just in time for the the Queen's 3pm speech. Drove to Lucy's and picked her up to come back to mine for Christmas tea.

Spent late afternoon and evening with Lucy, eating Christmas goodies, including the Victoria Sandwich, Banana & Pecan Loaf and the usual treats..... dips, humous, vege sticks, crisps, vege sausages rolls, Sherry Trifle etc etc. Did a WhatsApp video call to Vivien and Ray. Watched TV and in particular enjoyed watching the Berlin Philharmonic performing on BBC4. Took Lucy home at just before 11pm.

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