Friday 24 December 2021


I was at work all day and we all tried to be as festive as possible for our patients and each other. It is an extremely difficult time for patients to be in hospital and just as much for their relatives who are not allowed to visit either. Roll on 2022!

Crashed and burned on the sofa when I arrived home and didn't even have the energy to cook anything. I was also supposed to make a Victoria Sandwich for Lucy's tea tomorrow, didn't do that either! So, I will be up early in the morning baking and probably not birding now. I will definitely be out birding on Boxing Day though – desperate to get out as not been out for ages, due to trying to cope with an ongoing health issue over the last few weeks.


Sending best wishes to you all – wishing you peace and joy, be it with your family and friends or spending it alone

🎄 🎉 🔔 🎁 🎅 ⭐ 🐦

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