Sunday 30 January 2022


 From my garden this morning from 8.18am to 9.18am:

  • House Sparrow  11
  • Dunnock  2
  • Goldcrest  1
  • Blue Tit  2
  • Great Tit  1
  • Robin  1
  • Blackbird  5
  • Starling  4
  • Wood Pigeon  1
  • Collared Dove  2
  • Magpie  1

The screenshot from the RSPB of my results, did not include Goldcrest. Its very rare I see a Goldcrest in my garden, so I was very lucky with that. I sometimes see Coal Tits and a Song Thrush and on the odd occasion a Goldfinch, but its years and years since I have seen a Greenfinch in my garden – I did when I first moved here just over 20 years ago.

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