Tuesday 8 March 2022

Health and Bird Update!

So, there has been no bird news from me personally, simply because I haven't been birding, due to my ongoing hip/back issues. Had a phone call appointment with a staff physio on 24th February, who emailed me some exercises to carry out twice daily and told me it was too early to return to work yet. My GP asked me to come in again on Monday 28th February, to reassess my hip and after seeing I was still in pain, decided to request an X-ray for me.

I had a face to face appointment with the staff physio yesterday and she said that I more than probably had "Quadratus Lumborum (QL)" and "Musculoskeletal" issues – she explained that because my right side is my dominant side, this would have also made things worse with any lifting that I do in my job or anything else. Apparently my right QL is extremely tight and many of the exercises given to me are stretch exercises. The physio did a deep massage in my QL area, which was painful to be honest – she said it might be and that it would ache later – yep it did! I was also advised to buy a massage ball, to roll into the tight areas, by pushing your body weight against the ball, either against a wall or the floor – I have ordered one off Amazon. Obviously it would be preferable to have a hunky man to do the massage, but there isn't one, so the ball will have to suffice! I have finally been given an X-ray date, which is next Monday.

Apart from the supermarket, doctors, hospital and collecting prescription stuff, I have not left King's Lynn until today. I decided to give the car a short run to see how my hip coped with a longer journey and nipped over to Heacham to get some bird food at around 4pm this afternoon. I then went for my first very short walk along the promonade at North Beach, Heacham. It was freezing! It felt so weird being out, but lovely to see the sea again – I have not been to the coast for so long – the last time was the 8th February with Lucy to Hunstanton! I'm still in pain, but much better than I was and back at work tomorrow. Hopefully the daily exercises will help to alleviate the pain etc. I have another appointment with the staff physio in three weeks time.

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