Tuesday 15 March 2022

"Sunny Hunny" With Lucy & Vivien!

A glorious sunny day and too hot for a coat really! We STILL have to give seven days notice to take Lucy out, which is very frustrating indeed, so we can't just organise anything on the spur of the moment. Vivien had arranged to take Lucy out in her car and they met up in Hunstanton and had fish 'n' chips on the green at Boston Square, overlooking the seafront. I joined them afterwards with apple and cream puffs for dessert. Lucy and Vivien had seen a Brimstone Butterfly just before I arrived, as had I in my garden in King's Lynn this afternoon.

I tried to persuade my sisters to go to Titchwell RSPB, but Vivien didn't want to drive any further and Lucy didn't want to either, so we ambled along the seafront gardens and then along the lower path, alongside the sea wall and on to the cliffs. The Fulmars put on a fabulous display against the red and white cliffs and blue skies, along with Rock Doves and gulls. Oystercatchers and Turnstones were in the rock pools and a Robin sang to us from a perch on top of the cliffs. It was a joy to be out, without the usual crowds of people here – that will change soon! You don't get many peaceful, sunny days in Norfolk nowadays! We sat on one of the seats at the bowling green and had a take away coffee and tea from the adjacent cafe. Two Pied Wagtails were flitting around on the grass. A beautiful and tranquil afternoon.


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