Wednesday 20 April 2022

A Crazy Day!


A couple of days ago, I sold my Manfrotto Tripod and after packing it up last night, took it the post office to get weighed etc and then later on posted it to its new owner in Wales. So many jobs had to be done today, long 40 minute wait phone call to British Gas, after they posted my bill with the Gas readings only, should have had electric on too! What I don't understand is, my quarterly bill is horrific (far more than this time last year) the bill ended on 31st March, BEFORE the price hike on 1st April! Plus I turned my thermostat down by two numbers for the last few months. I contested it, because I don't believe it, I think they have charged me at the new rates, anyway that was that. I might need to go back to a 5 day week at this rate!

I had an unexpected phone call from a distressed work colleague, who is in hospital with some issues, which I took time to try and solve for her. Did some important emails, including helping a blog reader out, to sell his binoculars. Chased Panasonic who still have not refunded me £15.00 for the bread maker paddle that never arrived – this is about my tenth email and my temper exploded into very large capital letters "PLEASE REFUND ME NOW!!! etc", with more exclamation marks than I use on a blog post!

Later on I collected Lucy's laptop from Currys, delivered it along with all the paperwork and some typed up instructions etc from me to help her out. Phoned Vivien and Ray for catch up, they are having the narrowboat 'blacked' this week, so not currently in Ely – Vivien sent me a video of the boat being winched out of the water which looked scary!

An amazing and perfect little cottage came up for sale in Shetland today for £100,000!!!! That will have offers in for it already! A bit too far from Lerwick though, but fairly close to Jill and Rob Wilson! Here is the link. Will the Black-winged Stilts that were at Denver today, end up at Ken Hill Marsh, Holme or North Point Pools at Wells I wonder?! Still waiting for John F. to bag his third Great Spotted Cuckoo at Salthouse!

No time for birding over the last couple of days, but will have loads of time this coming weekend. The east winds continue, surely we are going to see something seriously good soon?! Fingers crossed! This evening I had an arranged phone call to a really lovely person, who needed a bit of female support and someone different to chat to, you know who you are – everything will be just fine for you all 🤗 Love conquers all! Ring me any time.

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