Tuesday 26 April 2022




I never said at the time (see above link), but the painting above (with Great Grey Shrike in centre) and in the link above, belonged to my late father Peter Clarke. Its a very long story, which can't be told publicly, but lets just say it went "missing". It was then sold by someone at Keys Auctioneers on 6th September 2013, to a completely innocent party, who had no idea of where it came from originally. The painting was one of a pair that Richard painted for my father – I now have the other in my possession, here it is:

If you own the painting of five birds (with the Great Grey Shrike in the centre) or know who does, could you kindly email me on [pennyclarke@talktalk.net]. I am extremely interested in purchasing it back, so this pair of artworks can be reunited! I don't expect to receive a reply, but would very much appreciate first refusal to purchase this, if you ever considered to sell, thank you very much.

I also have the Great Spotted Woodpecker painting that you can see in the top picture:

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