Wednesday 25 May 2022

Ban The Sale and Use of Artificial Grass for Residential Properties!

Whoever invented artificial grass, it was a REALLY bad idea!

This petition ends on the 1st June. So please share on social media, email etc etc. We need to reach 100,000 signatures and as it stands, its only on 9,855. It only takes seconds to sign, so please open the link below and help to ban this crappy green plastic carpet, that people are replacing their lawns with. It should never have been allowed in the first place.

Imagine being a Blackbird and landing on a plastic lawn, to discover that it can't find any worms underneath the "grass"?! Or maybe a Green Woodpecker probing for ants on your plastic lawn. Truly sad indeed. Birds are having a hard enough time as it is, with concrete and decking filled gardens, without removing the grass as well! Your lawn does not need to look perfect or be treated. Just mow it every now and again, or better still mow a path through it for Spring and Summer to let wild flowers grow either side and help our diminishing butterflies and insects.

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