Sunday 29 May 2022

East Hills, Wells!

After filling up with petrol two days ago, I was horrified at the huge increase in price since last week, this is enough to make me think about how far I travel to go birding now or anywhere come to that. I have seen Lesser Grey Shrike before in Norfolk and elsewhere, so decided not to travel all the way to Norwich yesterday and in any case, seeing this on a fence close to the airport, didn't exactly appeal to me. I would love to see the incredible Eleonora's Falcon in Kent, but can't justify several hours journey's worth of petrol either.

Today, I simply wanted to escape from everything, so I had a beautiful trip out to East Hills at Wells on a glorious sunny day, but that's all it was really! Little Terns, Common Terns, Black-headed Gulls, Oystercatchers, Shelducks, Ringed Plovers x 2 and Turnstones x 2 along the shoreline. Only other birds seen were a pair of Stonechats, pair of Meadow Pipits, a Wren, Goldfinches heard only, Wood Pigeons, Common Buzzard and a Spoonbill flew west. There were a pair of Mallards chilling, just east of the sycamore glade, which was a first out here! Also saw a Painted Lady butterfly and a Cinnabar Moth.

Later on I sat on the East Quay at Wells, enjoying fish 'n' chips from French's and fed some to the gulls as the sun was setting – happy gulls! Lots of Jubilee bunting around Wells and in Burnham Market as I drove home.


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