Tuesday 17 May 2022

Weekend Update!

No birding from me this weekend, none at all. Its been a totally crazy and extremely busy weekend, but can't go into it all now. I have been meaning to order a skip for years, to get rid of tons of crap out of my two sheds and finally today I ordered one and its arriving on Saturday. I have holiday booked for the next two weeks, which was for birding, but plans have changed now, sometimes birds have to wait. I hope to get out some days though. I would have loved to have seen the Great Reed Warbler at Snettisham, but I have sadly not been able to go – I have seen one in Norfolk before though.

Lucy played another concert with the Norfolk Symphony Orchestra on Sunday. Her phone has died, so Vivien and I can't ring her and vice versa. Someone is going to help her buy a new one this Thursday – she had a cheap basic phone, so no big loss!

This morning I discovered a bird box full of Tree Bees, which I didn't know were there – they seem to be unusually aggressive and are far too close to my house – they won't even allow me to water my plants, I really don't know what I'm going to do! I got stung twice today! Someone suggested to cover the hole to the bird box at night when the bees are much calmer and move them further from my house, but there are still bees around the hole at 23.30!!!

Update: Tree Bees relocated, which resulted in two more stings, but they seemed very happy, when I checked them the following day, so all good.

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