Thursday 16 June 2022

Mid-Week Update

Still off work, pain still much the same. Saw my favourite GP on Monday, who seemed surprised that no one had prescribed me medication for nerve pain – so he prescribed me some Amitriptyline – one tablet for first three nights and then increase to two. After examination, he said that the problem was in C7/C8 and T1 (neck area). He also recommended I book to see a chiropractor, which I later booked for Wednesday.

On Tuesday I saw the staff physio again, who asked me to purchase a "Traction Collar" and to use this once a day for 10 minutes, so ordered this from Amazon. He also told me to do the following exercises on Youtube for my neck. He advised me not to see a chiropractor yet, as if there was a bulge in C7/C8/T1, then any manipulation could make things worse – I presume that's why he didn't do any massage either.  He said "you need at least another week off work, if not two and I may have to refer you for an MRi scan" – I sighed. Next appointment booked with physio on Tuesday 21st June. Cancelled chiropractor appointment! Ordered Traction Collar.

The Traction Collar arrived on Wednesday and I used it straight away – felt quite good, it certainly gives your neck a good stretch! I'm still on pain relief daily, as too painful not to be. Night times often worse eg, last night too painful to sleep, had to come downstairs to take some Oramorph, which I'm trying not to take every day now. Pain still radiating to shoulder, arm and down to wrist. Hopefully the daily use of the traction collar and exercises will help. Gutted I can't go and see the Bee-eaters, see next post!

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