Sunday 14 August 2022

Walrus "Freya" KILLED in Norway!

Killed by the Directorate of Fisheries in Norway "based on an overall assessment of the continued threat to human safety." BOLLOCKS!!!

When I first heard this news today via Hugh Harrop on Twitter, I actually felt physically sick. How could they do something so barbaric?! This amazing and wonderful Walrus is the same one that was seen in the UK, including Shetland and until today was in Norway. I am SO angry and sad. Many people were getting far too close and stressing the Walrus out and those people were at risk apparently – well, they were warned, so if they got injured tough, in my opinion. Its a wild animal at the end of the day. I strongly believe that they actually killed her because she was sinking too many boats for their liking and costing them money. Quick and easy solution: kill her!😡😭 I hope the person/s who made that decision rots in hell. How could anybody do such a thing, I'm lost for words, so depressing. I still now, don't believe they have done this, shocking!

1 comment:

  1. I agree about the walrus Norway should be ashamed, Disgusting,
