Friday 9 September 2022

A Nation Mourns Our Queen & King Charles' First Full Day on the Throne

Its been a very strange day, its difficult to put into words. We knew the Queen wouldn't last forever, but somehow it felt like she would. It feels like the heart of our nation has been taken from us. I can't believe she has gone and I admit I have been quite emotional since the news broke last night – I didn't expect to be, I didn't know her, sadly never got to meet her or even see her in person. The Queen was the one person who has always been there and when she spoke to the nation at difficult times, her words were comforting, kind and wise. You listened when the Queen spoke. Throughout my life I have always watched the Queen's speech on Christmas Day and recall my childhood days, listening to this with my family and my father ordering us all to be quiet just before 3pm! So many historic memories.

I really don't know how King Charles (sounds so odd saying that!) was able to greet the crowds at Buckingham Palace this afternoon, with less than a day since his mother died, I take my hat off to him. His first address as King from Buckingham Palace was strong and emotional in equal measures. Listening to the heartfelt tributes from members of parliament and others today was very emotional and I became transfixed to the television – still in shock from last night's announcement at 6.30pm.

Although it is a very sad and difficult time for her family and for many people across the UK and the world, she will remain in our hearts always – she will go down in the history books, as the greatest Queen of all time. I feel privileged to have lived through her reign as monarch. 🤍

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