Monday 19 September 2022

Queen Elizabeth II Funeral: Nation Pays Final Farewell

Lucy spent the day with me watching the Queen's Funeral. What a send off for our great Queen! Spectacular, powerful, intense, sad....... so many emotions. So many thousands of people lining the streets to pay their respects, flowers thrown at the passing hearse, reminded me of Princess Diana's funeral. The pageantry was on another level. So many tear jerking moments, the Royal Navy pulling the coffin on the state gun carriage, the Corgis, the Queen's horse, the lone piper.

Princess Charlotte and Prince George did an amazing job for such young children – I just hope it was their choice and they were not made to attend. "It was the first state funeral since Sir Winston Churchill's in 1965 and the biggest ceremonial event since World War Two."

One of the most emotional moments for me, was listening to the lone piper 😢 "The inclusion of Pipe Major Paul Burns – who had served since 2021 – was a personal request of the Queen, Buckingham Palace said. He played the traditional lament "sleep, dearie, sleep" – the sound of which appeared to fade as he turned and walked down the internal steps of Westminster Abbey. He is the 17th Piper to the Sovereign - the role was created by Queen Victoria in 1843 after she grew fond of the sound of bagpipes on a visit to the Highlands with Prince Albert." 


Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
Rest in peace

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