Tuesday 27 September 2022

Walsey Hills NOA, Gramborough Hill & Cley!

Coastguards, Cley

A busy day, but didn't include much birding. The day started with a hairdressing appointment, where I bumped into Katie Potter who I used to go to school with in Hunstanton! Then another long appointment in east Norfolk. Ended up late afternoon at Walsey Hills and got very lucky, with fairly good views of the Yellow-browed Warbler, constantly on the move, feeding amidst the willows, half way along the bottom path on the right handside – with four other local birders. But, we were looking into the sun, so there was no point in even lifting the camera up.

Went to Gramborough Hill, nobody here, what a treat! Too cold I expect! A couple of Redshank were on the pool just west of the hill. Not a single bird in the scrub, very disappointing. My only consolation was a large Parasol Mushroom! Beautiful skies as I walked back to my car.

Parasol Mushroom at Gramborough Hill, Salthouse
Walking back from Gramborough Hill, Salthouse

Coastguards, Cley

Spent some time at Coastguards, Cley. Mini sea watch, but nothing of particular note. Chilly with the NW wind, but refreshing and how I prefer the weather! Fabulous watching the waves rolling in and crashing on the shingle, as always. Stunning sunset ended the day.

My house is freezing cold, in fact I think its warmer outside! But, I refuse to put the heating on yet, I might give in on the 1st October!

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