Sunday 25 December 2022


Not one of my best Christmas Days to be honest. For some reason I had a rubbish night's sleep and then I was woken by a text from Vivien, to tell me that Lucy had sudden and severe pain in her lower left back, that was so bad she was crying. I immediately tried to ring Lucy, but no reply – rang the staff where she lives, who gave me an update. Long story short, I think Vivien may be right, she may have had a gallstone or even a kidney stone. After two hours the pain had disappeared completely. When Lucy told me all her symptoms later on, I think she may have had a kidney stone. This made the entire morning quite stressful. Plans went out of the window for the first half of the day. I didn't cook Christmas dinner for myself and instead picked at grapes and tangerines etc.

Lucy was supposed to be ringing me when she wanted to be picked up after her Christmas dinner and usual afternoon snooze, but she didn't ring until 3.30pm. I had not intended in being on my own for that long, but hey ho! Picked Lucy up and we spent the evening together and had cheese & tomato on toast with chips and my baking from yesterday. Lucy was very stressed because of her onset of pain this morning and wasn't able to really enjoy her evening with me, as much as she would do normally. An odd food day and an odd Christmas Day! Goodnight!

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