Saturday 24 December 2022

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!

A Very Merry Christmas &

A Happy New Year "

To all my readers, friends and family
Wishing you all good health, joy, peace and happiness
Thank you all for your continued support throughout the year and especially for all the lovely comments and emails I receive – it's very much appreciated.
If you enjoy seeing the daily bird news for Norfolk and would like to contribute, please click on the SUBSCRIBE button on the right hand side of my blog, thank you very much.

H A P P Y  B I R D I N G  2 0 2 3 !

1 comment:

  1. Morning Penny,
    Just a quickie, although we have never met,like many others I knew your late father and I so enjoy following your updates on what is about in Norfolk..I'm counting down the days to retirement and then finally having time to get out in the field,so to speak..Keep up the good work,enjoy your Christmas and I'll buy you a pint should we ever meet..
