Wednesday 25 January 2023

Busy Bee, Sorting My Life Out – Canon Lens For Sale!

Quick update as VERY busy! Sadly not with birding, sometimes there are far bigger things going on than birds and this year is one of them, so far anyway. After many years of heartache, turmoil, excuses and more excuses etc, I have finally got round to sorting my house out properly. I'm actually on holiday this week, but its no holiday really! So far I have spent nearly four days sorting through, filing and shredding tons of old papers, including parent's stuff and I now have two maxed out wheelie bins! My kitchen currently looks like Christmas take two, as opened my late Mother's huge box of Christmas decorations from the family home for the first time and also went through all of mine and made a throw and keep pile. Vivien is coming to have a look to see if she's wants any this week too.

Thank you very much indeed to two new blog subscribers (C.S. and P.H.) this week, your support is much appreciated. I now have four altogether. If anyone else would like to subscribe, please click on the link "Donate to My Blog Monthly" and click the Subscribe button, thank you.

There are so many things going on and I haven't got the time to tell you all yet! Not looking forward to this Friday, as its my birthday – but then I suppose its better to be another year older, than the alternative! There will be a few things, well more than a few, going up for sale on my blog and on Facebook selling sites over the next few weeks. I will put a full picture/advert up etc soon, but I'm selling my Canon EF 100-400mm F4.5-F5.6 IS II USM lens if anyone is interested, send me an email: I purchased this lens, in near mint condition just before I went to Shetland in October 2021 and only because I was still on a very long waiting list for the Canon RF 100-500 lens – I had always intended on selling this lens after I got the RF 100-500 lens and have hardly used it to be honest, so still in the same fabulous condition. I paid £1,795.00 for the lens, so anything I can get close to this price would be good! Below is the screenshot of the lens I purchased from Wex in Norwich. Ideally I would rather it be someone in Norfolk, so we can meet up to view/purchase and so I don't have to think about wrapping up etc and posting.

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