Sunday 23 April 2023

Birding At Cley, Good Friends, Lunch and Cake!

Hooded Crow on Cricket Marsh, Cley NWT


Very brief post as insanely tired. Had a fabulous day at Cley meeting up with John F., Pete S., Eddie M., Richard B., Lin & Phil P., Richard 'The Hat', Ashley & Claudia B. + Alice, Keith T., Steve B., Richard M., John G. and also Andrew & Simon at CleySpy. Thank you so much to those of you who so kindly brought me leaving presents and cards, hugely appreciated!

The day started off with seeing Robin Chittendon's Hooded Crow on Cricket Marsh and also saw a Wheatear fly across the boardwalk. Hot cheese scone at Cley V.C, lunch at Kelling Tea Rooms, Tea and cake at the V.C late afternoon!

Hooded Crow calling on Cricket Marsh, Cley NWT

Ruff on The Eye Field, Cley NWT

Stonechat in the rain at Gramborough Hill, Salthouse

Finished the day walking solo to Gramborough Hill in the rain. One Whitethroat, 3+ Chiffchaffs, Wren in the main scrub and a pair of Stonechats on the brambles on the way to the hill. Drenched Meadow Pipits on the fence wire, Ringed Plover and Avocet on the pool, just west of the hill. I felt quite sad leaving here, one of my favourite spots in Norfolk. Drove home drenched. Stopped at the hospital to pick up more boxes before returning home!

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