Tuesday 18 April 2023

Busy Day – Plus Pear & Ginger Cake on Cley Beach!

Quick summary:

Dropped loads of things off at Keys Auctioneers, including a massive collection of TY Beanies (confession time from long ago!), a selection of mint Harry Potter books, a tub of "Britains" vintage toy plastic animals (everything from farm to zoo animals etc) and some of my dolls (including 'Tiny Tears') – all going in the 7th June Toy Sale! Collected stuff not sold in recent sales. Dropped off birdy tea cups and saucers to a charity shop "Break" in Aylsham.

Went to Crabpot books in Cley, where Louise selected which books she wanted to buy from tons of books in my car and then needed a while to price these up.

Went to Cley churchyard to say goodbye to RAR and also to look for another gravestone I failed to find.

Went to CleySpy, who saved the day massively, more on that another time! Plus, left a donation scope for OBC and a Manfrotto tripod to sell. Lovely to see all the fabulous staff here before I depart.

Went to Holt to collect my last nine paintings (some that I had done) from Picturecraft, who had kindly bubble wrapped them for me and Michael and Teresa Hill (owners) had very, very kindly given me a beautiful leaving card, all signed by the staff, so lovely, I was very touched by this, thank you all very much indeed.

Returned to Crabpot books and accepted price for books – all good! Will pay for my hair appointment on Thursday morning!

I was just about to return home......

Went to Cley Deli and purchased (its gone up in price by almost a third, good job I'm leaving) my favourite ever Pear & Ginger Cake and drove to Coastguards. Sat on the shingle, very close to the crashing waves and spray, enjoying my cake! It was very fresh with the east winds, but I need to get used to that, as the temperature will be on an another level in Shetland – good! Whilst photographing Brent Geese on the Eye Pool from my car with my iphone, James M. stopped to say hello and goodbye – had a lovely catch up!

Drove home and fell asleep ALL evening. Serious packing day tomorrow!

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