Wednesday 21 June 2023

"Da Simmer Dim"

Hummingbird hawk-moth
My garden this evening, Lerwick, Shetland
Taken quickly with Apple iphone!


No funky pictures of sunsets, it was overcast and dull this evening. The highlight was my first Shetland Hummingbird hawk-moth, on my sage flowers this evening! I flew outside and managed to get quick a couple of out of focus shots on the phone and then it was gone after about 30 seconds, so good job I didn't mess about getting the Canon R5 out! Noticed some Silver-Y moths in the garden too last night. Still light here at 11pm!

Tomorrow is a big day, which will result in me being on a massive high or low! Fingers crossed! Update tomorrow with fabulous and exciting news or not – more than probably not!

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