Tuesday 29 August 2023

Evening Birding!

Sunday 27th August

After a tedious weekend of computers and cars, I was finally able to escape for a short while! I decided to head south in the evening, to try and see the Barred Warbler and maybe the Greenish Warbler in the Sumburgh Quarry. No hope with either whatsoever! Only birds in the quarry were Wheatears, House Sparrows, Willow Warbler and a few Blackbirds.

Spent a lovely time watching Willow Warblers feeding amongst the sycamores, in the very pretty Grutness Garden – perfect garden for birds and location wise. Lots of plants, shrubs and trees in a walled garden with a lawn – suitable habitat for most birds!

Headed to Quendale Mill. Too late in the day to be here really. Only House Sparrows and Starlings seen here and three Swallows overhead. Drove up to the top road overlooking Quendale beach and watched several waders coming into roost by the tidal channel on the beach, including 83 Oystercatchers! Several gulls, Turnstones, Sanderlings and Eiders here too.

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