Saturday 30 September 2023

Birding on Fetlar & Yell!

Update tomorrow as shattered, but in brief:

Went to Fetlar with Jill and Rob to look for the Tennessee Warbler, along with several car loads of birders on the 6.40am Ferry from Toft. Male and Female Blackcaps, Goldcrests, Blackbirds, Willow Warbler, but no Tennessee Warbler sadly.

Found a Hawfinch on the road amongst some houses, which looked poorly. Stopped a cat charging it.

Took ferry back to Yell and attempted to find the Arctic Warbler, failed. Went to an amazing beach in North Yell.

Returned to mainland. Went back to Lunna, but not for the Veery again, but to look in some really interested scrub alongside a dry stone wall I saw yesterday and found a Yellow-browed Warbler, Goldcrest, Starlings, House Sparrows.

Pictures and full write up on Monday evening.

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