Monday 18 September 2023

Searching For Migrants In The Rain!

A very rare bird here – Clickimin Loch, Lerwick
Clickimin Loch, Lerwick 

At last I got to see the Magpie, which was feeding on the grass verge alongside the path, opposite the Anderson High School. A dog walker then flushed it and I got a lovely picture of it sitting on a stone wall. Several Blackbirds feeding in the rain and Meadow Pipits and House Sparrows seen. Also a few LBJ's that I couldn't nail down. Bumped into Andy J. who hadn't found a mega yet!

Burn of Sound, Lerwick

Lesser Whitethroat near the playground area, was the best I could find here after much searching. Returned to the road and then checked the seaward side of the burn and found more Blackbirds. I heard a Yellow-browed Warbler calling close by the bridge, but it was lashing down with rain and I couldn't see it, even though I spent a good while trying.

Lesser Whitethroat in the rain at Wester Quarff

Wester Quarff

Just after the second house and right hand corner, there is a small copse of trees next to a burn and this can be a good spot to find birds. I found my second Lesser Whitethroat of the day here. Checked all the gardens up to the voe, but nothing else of note or at Easter Quarff either.


Parked up by the beach for late lunch and watched House Sparrows, Pied Wagtails and 30+ Turnstone and Starlings on the beach.

Leebitton, Sandwick

Stood at the south side of the garden of Sand Lodge on the roadside, to wait for the Blue-flanked Bluetail to appear that someone had found earlier on, but no hope whatsoever in this heavy rain. Had a lovely chat with a man coming to feed his sheep in the field next to where I was standing – I don't know what he shook into the trough, but the three sheep almost sprinted over to him!


I found a Willow Warbler in the garden of 'Leemor', several Turnstones on the beach and a few black rabbits on the cliff.


At the garden by the beach I found a few Blackbirds and House Sparrows. Also checked the trees by the Orca Country Inn, but nothing seen. Too heavy rain for anything to be out on show!

Sumburgh Quarry

Blackbirds and Ravens. Drove home very slowly in dense fog.

Summary: everything will be showing in the sunshine tomorrow, whilst I'm at work!

Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:
Fair Isle Bird Observatory, Latest Sightings:

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