Wednesday 27 September 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings: 

Fair Isle Bird Observatory, Latest Sightings:
More Mega Birds turning up!
The THIRD bird in a week!
BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER at Bardsey Island, Gwynedd!

Got home from work, sat on sofa and had a quick check of birds around before going to Wester Quarff to try and see the Rustic Bunting – this didn't happen. At 8.45pm I woke up!!! 😲 I was in total shock, I could not believe I had been asleep all that time!!! My phone was still on silent from work, so had some missed calls. Good job I didn't miss anything major being found this evening!!!

Looking forward to another American Vagrant here! Never seen a Black-and-White Warbler anywhere, so that will do for starters!!! 😉😊

This could potentially happen here – maybe 😉 !!!

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