Sunday 15 October 2023

AMERICAN YELLOW WARBLER At The Orca Country Inn, Hoswick, Shetland!

The Orca Country Inn, Hoswick
The light was absolutely stunning late afternoon in Hoswick! There was no more than may be half a dozen birders here and for a short while I was photographing this magnificant Yellow Warbler solo! This is now the fourth day its been here and has given many people a lot of joy. How can you ever tire of watching a Yellow Warbler?!


I tore myself away when the light had gone and went to Noness, where I found a Red-breasted Merganser on the sea, a Swallow skimmed close over my head and on the beach, there was a Grey Heron, a bright Northern Wheatear, good numbers of Ringed Plovers, Turnstones, Redshanks, Oystercatchers, Rock Pipits and tons of Starlings foraging amongst the seaweed.

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