Tuesday 10 October 2023

Ring Ouzels at Mossy Hill!

Seascape and rain showers, taken from Mossy Hill


Monday 9th October

With news of Ring Ouzels arriving, I drove up the dodgy road to Mossy Hill this afternoon. I have not been up here since I last stayed in 2021, the road has deteriorated further, so be very careful not to take your eyes off the road for a second, if you venture up here. These pot-holed roads/tracks up here are not for cars which are low to the ground!

Ring Ouzel – one of four on Mossy Hill
Taken through front window screen of my car, whilst stationary!

The views from the top are truly spectacular. Shards of light and rain clouds over the sea and horizon were simply breathtaking! At the summit, just after the first branch road off right, I was excited to find four Ring Ouzels sitting on the tall concrete fence posts! Ring Ouzels have a habit of being very camera shy, so took a picture through the front window of my car, before they disappeared, which trust me is not worth posting. I was then distracted by a brown thrush, which I only saw the back end of from behind some concrete, it then flew off in the direction I had just come from, so retraced my steps to find it. It would have been awesome to find something spectacular, but to be fair it wasn't bad, when I eventually found it – a beautiful Song Thrush.

Song Thrush at Mossy Hill
Seascape and rain showers, taken from Mossy Hill


Also the odd Blackbird around, a handful of Redwings and a Raven. Checked out some quarries with nothing found. Britain's first Siberian Accentor was found in the largest quarry here in October 2016! Took lots of scenery pictures and then ended up at Spiggie and then onto Bakkasetter to try and see the Bluethroat, no sign of any birders or Bluethroat. Diverted for a change of scene through Boddam and then headed home.

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