Saturday 7 October 2023

Searching for Migrants, plus Eastern Subalpine Warbler 1w & Barred Warbler!

Eastern Subalpine Warbler 1w
Wester Quarff

There was a White's Thrush  on Bressay and this is a bird I have always wanted to see, but for some strange reason, I felt something bigger was going to turn up on the mainland. I was completely wrong.

Started the day in the rain, looking for the Red-breasted Flycatcher at Seafield Park in Lerwick which someone had found earlier, no joy there. Bumped into some visiting birders. Continued walking along Sea Road and up to West Hall. Checked the garden and paddocks, waited, watched and hoped. Several Redwings and Blackbirds, which were lovely to see.

Grey Wagtail at Helendale Terrace, Lerwick


Spent a long time at Clickimin Loch, where best bird found was a Redpoll by Anderson High School and then spent a while chatting to a local man and his grandson about birds. I then returned and walked up to Helendale. Something yellow bounded across a garden, which turned out to be a beautiful Grey Wagtail – only managed to get a quick picture on a metal roof, before it flew off. Sun now out, which was a joy.

Wester Quarff

Eastern Subalpine Warbler 1w
Wester Quarff

Headed to Wester Quarff and bumped into local birder Ann and we both had cracking views of the Barred Warbler and also the Eastern Subalpine Warbler 1w! Then drove to Bigton to see a probable Icterine Warbler – several birders here looking. Later on this turned out to be a Barred Warbler! A little different!

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