Saturday 11 November 2023

A Beautiful Sunny Day with Orcas!

Met up with 'my' builder and the owners of the house I'm buying this morning. It was lovely to see this gorgeous little house in brilliant sunshine. After the builder left, the owners kindly invited me into their beautiful home for a cup of tea and home-made oatcake – the best oatcake I have ever tasted and lovely people to chat with! The owners showed me some fascinating old deeds and papers – written in exquisite ink handwriting on parchment paper – its a very old house with a very interesting history! Had a lovely amble around the village where the house is situated and quickly realised that I will have everything I need here for my elder years!

Sang Happy Birthday to Vivien! The rest of the day was spent driving to Reawick to watch Orcas in the late afternoon light, along with several others and also bumped into Jill and Rob. This is my third sighting of Orcas since I have been here – they were fairly distant, but so exciting to see!

With my excellent run of luck this week, I decided to buy a Lottery Ticket this evening. I have not bought one for many, many years. I got ONE number – waste of £2.00!

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