Thursday 30 November 2023


Shetland Bird News, Latest Sightings:

Lunch at work with the physio team as well – a get together for Sidonie and a card and beautiful silver necklace (chosen by Elaine) given to her from all of us. Sidonie kindly gave us some New Zealand chocolate and a lovely little bird book on the birds of New Zealand for me! Sidonie pointed out her favourite bird in the book, which is a Takahē.

Then, an evening out after work to the "Douglas Arms" for drinks with Sidonie, Catherine, Kyle, Jen and Luke. It was Sidonie's last day at work and on Saturday she leaves Shetland. There was a football match on a big screen, being watched very enthusiastically by a group of locals! It seemed like a really warm and welcoming pub with Christmas lights up, musical instruments hung on the wall and a fascinating collection of historical photos and artworks.

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