Friday 24 November 2023

Sidonie's Leaving Do!

Catherine, Penny and Sidonie
Awful picture of me (after consuming alcohol), but Catherine and Sidonie both look glam

A few of us met up for a peerie get together at The Lerwick Hotel this evening – our lovely locum OT Sidonie is leaving us next week! I had my first alcoholic drink in years, a Bailey's with ice – I'd forgotten how lovely that is! Catherine, Sidonie, Karen, Josh, Kyle and myself enjoyed drinks here for around half an hour and then moved onto the Fjarå Café, where four of us remained enjoying another drink or two and some wonderful food. Kyle was the main entertainment, he was telling us all sorts of eye-opening stories, much to our amusement! A really lovely evening and nice to get out socialising for a change. We all walked home in chilly but dry weather, no rain or snow, bonus! 🍹🍸🥃

Wishing Sidonie a lovely Christmas with some of her family, happy travelling and enjoy your next OT position, wherever that might be! Its been a joy to work with you. 💖 😊

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