Wednesday 8 November 2023

Third Time Lucky!!!

I did a completely crazy thing on Sunday, really crazy! I fell in love with a stunning property I stumbled upon, found out it was a holiday self-catering place from a lovely local lady. I googled and contacted the owners and asked if they would be interested in selling it. It turned out they only lived a short distance away – they came out and showed me around the property. I was smitten to say the least.

24 hours later on Monday evening, the owners said they would be happy to sell to me, stated their price and after further emails, we agreed a price. I couldn't believe my luck! A very good builder here, is meeting me at the property at the weekend, to give me any advice about jobs that may need doing in the next few months or years. I can't put into words how honoured I feel, to be able to buy this unique property, which has a fascinating history and with no bidding wars! I am not going to divulge where it is, until the day the sale completes. I don't want to jinx it or let anyone else know about it, until its mine!

Everything is now going extremely well! I doubt I will be moving until after Christmas, but hopefully it will be early in the new year, if all solicitors are prompt! 👍


  1. Two terrific bits of news Penny!
    Good luck for a settled and happy new year!

    1. Thank you very much David, hope you are keeping well. You would love the skies and light here!

  2. Oh my goodness this is even more good news, you must be over the moon, so happy for you. Praying that it all goes to plan and that you are able to get your life back together properly at last!

    1. Hi Sue! Thank you very much indeed. I hope you are both coming back for another holiday to Shetland, maybe you can persuade Steve to move here! xx

  3. Really pleased for you..sounds brilliant, so I hope nothing jinxes this purchase.🤞

  4. I've followed your blog for a while now through your challenging and rough times and am really so pleased to read that 'things" are improving for you

  5. Brilliant congratulations on getting a permanent post and home within a day or two. Next success is appearing on Shetland as an OT sussing a murderer out and helping DS Tosh nab her man!
    Well done. You deserve it as a committed Shetlander & birder.

    Robin Perry

  6. Fingers firmly crossed for you Penny

  7. Great to hear and I can imagine how you feel as we've moved recently to somewhere special. Take care and hopefully all goes well

  8. Great news, Penny, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you 😀

  9. Terrific news Penny!
    Always follow your instincts, they will not let you down.
    Wishing you every joy snd happiness xx

  10. Well done Penny They say good luck comes in threes, what with the good news from your place of work . Best buy a lottery ticket .

    1. Thanks! Yes, I think I will buy a lottery ticket!
