Sunday 31 December 2023


Today was the first time I have left my house since Thursday 21st December and the first time I've made contact with another human being in person in over ten days! I don't feel 100% yet, but don't feel I'm putting anyone else at risk by going out now. Not that you can call going to Tesco "going out"!!! 😂

It felt strange and almost overwhelming being amongst people again. I have been trapped indoors for far too long. Not being with other people and not being well enough to even go for a walk or a drive somewhere, has tested my brain to the max!

Another day of gales and heavy rain. I still feel exhausted from Covid and have not done anything to prepare for my move in January yet – well that's if it happens, as the buyer's solicitor has still not confirmed everything yet, which they were asked to do before close of business on 22nd December.

Fell asleep on the sofa again this afternoon. Watched a romantic comedy called "Marry Me" starring Jennifer Lopaz and Owen Wilson, which I quite enjoyed and then later watched "An Audience with Kylie", which you can't really go wrong with...

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