Monday 25 December 2023


As I was convalescing on the sofa, a Robin flew into the leafless large honeysuckle, looked through the window at me briefly and then flew off "When Robins appear, loved ones are near" Thinking about my parents today 💕 This is the first Robin I have seen in the garden, since being here, must have been a sign!

Enjoyed a ZOOM call with my sisters and Ray, although it seemed to take forever for us all to connect up, we got there in the end! Not much else to report. Watched TV, cooked food, but it all tasted of nothing! I might as well, have cooked one item! 😞

I really thought we might have a White Christmas, but its been a stunning day anyway, with blue skies and fluffy white clouds, such a pity I didn't feel up to going out anywhere, oh well! My ribs are hurting from coughing, I'm a rubbish patient.

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