Tuesday 30 January 2024

Up Helly Aa Viking Fire Festival 2024!

My first "Up Helly Aa" !!!


With no car currently, I might have missed this, but Jill and Rob very kindly offered to take me home after Up Helly Aa. So, when I finished work, I stayed there and had a little doze, as there was no point in standing around on a very chilly evening before I needed to. I then headed off at around 6.15pm to join thousands of others jostling for a good viewing spot of the Viking Galley burning site. Managed to find Jill and her daughter Roanna, so spent the evening in their company – Rob had stayed in their car and viewed from there.

It was extremely chilly, even for me, but then I didn't really dress properly, as only had my work coats on etc, but I had thrown in a pair of mittens into my work bag this morning, before I caught the bus, but was minus a much needed hat. It is simply amazing that 1000+ torches are carried by 'Vikings' without any serious incidents! Mind you, the sparks from torches were flying everywhere and you really had to be on the ball, with brushing them off your clothes quickly!

A unique experience and thank you to all involved in making this a spectacular event. I did apply for tickets to go to one of the halls via the Tourist Information Centre on 8th December, but there was already a huge waiting list. As is usual with large crowds, I wish I had been born taller, very difficult to get pictures of everything I wanted to, but what an amazing experience!

After Jill and Rob dropped me home, I was overjoyed to find that the turquoise colour I had chosen for the window surrounds in my office/craft room looked far better than I thought! Steve the builder, had been at my house today painting the second coat of white paint on the walls, first coat of satinwood and other little jobs. I'm not sure when he is returning again, I doubt it will be tomorrow with the 70mph winds!

More pictures and videos to come from me, but meanwhile, someone quick off the mark has produced incredible footage on Youtube of tonight's events.

Incredible footage here on Youtube of an amazing evening

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