Sunday 25 February 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News 
Iceland Gulls x 2 at Quendale.

Put up my new hanging bird table in the tree today, purchased off Amazon and very good quality with a slate roof and very strong rope.

Pulled up the old carpet in what is going to be my office/craft room and then started to pull up the underlay in preparation for the new carpet being laid this Friday. To my dismay, I discovered the floor underneath which is some type of hardboard flooring is extremely mouldy and its obvious it will need to be replaced before any carpet is put down! Contacted my builder to come out and investigate and give me a quote, hopefully he will get back to me soon.

It has been a gloriously sunny weekend and with little wind if any at all – this must be unusual at this time of the year?! Late this afternoon, two ladies were walking up the hill towards my house and I realised that one of them was Gwen, who I had met last year and it was she who told me that the house I am living in was a self-catering property – it was really lovely to chat to her again and the other lady was her sister Evelyn and they both live next door to each and only a couple of houses away from me. They are going to be such lovely neighbours – we were chatting for ages. Gwen wondered why there was no car outside, the entire car accident story was then told. On that note, my car has still not been assessed yet!

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