Saturday 4 May 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News 
Wood Warbler at Setter Marsh, Loch of Spiggie. Red-backed Shrike in garden at Spiggie. Pied Flycatchers x 3, Wryneck, Siberian Chiffchatt at Geosetter. Pied Flycatchers x 3 at Hoswick. Pied Flycatcher at Sumburgh Quarry. Icterine Warbler, Wood Warbler, Pied Flycatchers x 2, Hawfinch, Red-backed Shrike male at Helendale, Wood Warbler at Lerwick. Pied Flycatcher at Montfield, Lerwick. Waxwings x 2, Pied Flycatcher at Sound, Lerwick. Pied Flycatcher, Bluethroat, Ring Ouzels x 2 at Quendale Mill. Pied Flycatcher in garden at Skeld. Hawfinches x 2 at Busta House Hotel, Brae. Pied Flycatcher at Toab. Pied Flycatcher at Gulberwick.
Woodchat Shrike, Bluethroat, Wood Warbler on Isle of Foula.
Wryneck at Tresta, Fetlar.
Wood Warbler at Brough, Whalsay.
Bluethroat, Icterine Warbler, Wrynecks x 2, Pied Flycatcher, Black Redstart, Red-backed Shrike on Out Skerries.
Mealy Redpolls x 3 at Haroldswick, Unst.
Alex was here from 10.20am to 3.20pm replacing the floor with Kingspan insulation board and an anti-mould chipboard floor. All the skirting board had to be taken out. As Alex stated "Phase One is complete". He will let me know when he came come back to put in new skirting and insulate the room. The old storage heater has been removed. Texted David (electrician) to ask him to order me a new heater for that room

Whilst Alex was working, I was also working in the front garden – I removed all the weed suppressing material and dug in lots of seaweed compost in the border where the elder, rowan and rhubarb is, ready for planting. Late afternoon I went to the garden centre again and bought several shrubs to put in the border and in pots. On route home, I had to turn back and do a detour as someone had managed to roll their car alongside Tingwall Loch and it was sitting on its roof – its a single track road with passing places, I don't really see how this happened. Nobody was hurt thank goodness.

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