Wednesday 8 May 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News 
Ring Ouzel at Swinister, Sandwick. White-billed Diver on sea at Tangwick, east of Esha Ness. Iceland Gull at Loch of Hillwell. Waxwing at Kergord.
Goshawk flew west over Norwick, Unst
Wryneck at The Manse, Tresta, Fetlar
Rustic Bunting on Foula
Hawfinch at Bellevue, Yell
10+ Siskins, House Sparrows, Blackbird, Starlings, Collared Doves and Rock Doves at my feeders this evening. Rainy and cold here and I lit the fire, whilst Vivien and Ray are baking hot down south! The weather is going to get warmer and sunnier here again from Saturday.

Lucy phoned with some shocking news last night – she and the other residents where she has lived for the last 27 years were told they will have to move, as the building they are living in has been "condemmed" because of subsidence!!! This is going to be a very difficult time for her and the others who have lived there for so long and the staff as well. Vivien and I had an official email about it all from the manager today. No words really, a big worry what will happen next, but the manager did say in the email ".....we will be relocating and remaing a service. They are trying to source another home within the local area but depending on current circumstances and what's on the market, this may not be possible....."

1 comment:

  1. I hope for Lucy's sake it goes smoothly and she doesn't get to upset by the disorientation.
