Thursday 9 May 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News 
Pomarine Skua at sea west of Scalloway. Glaucous Gull at Shetland Catch, Wood Warbler at Helendale, Icterine Warbler in garden at Lerwick. Ring-necked Duck at Loch of Hillwell.
Woodchat Shrike, Garganey x 2 on Isle of Foula
Mealy Redpoll at Baltasound, Pomarine Skua at Skaw, Unst
Sardian Warbler male in garden on Sunday at Kirkabister, Isle of Bressay
Northern Bullfinch at Hillend, Hen Harrier at Otterswick, Yell
Several Siskins in the garden this evening. Electrician coming tomorrow to put my new towl rail up and install an extractor fan in the bathroom. I have annual leave for one day on Monday, so now have four days off! Next week I'm back at work on Tuesday and Wednesday and then have Thursday to Tuesday off as annual leave and there are plenty of east winds forecast!

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