Wednesday 12 June 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News 
Temminck's Stint at Pool of Virkie.
Black-throated Diver at North Collifirth Bay.
Black-throated Divers x 2 at Brindister Pier, West Burrafirth.

Savi's Warbler at Funzie Willows, Fetlar.
Bluethroat fem. at Muckle Flugga Shore Station, Hermaness, Unst.

Still cold north west winds and not very much like Summer. My sisters said its been the same in Norfolk. Switches to south east tomorrow, so maybe a little warmer! 2 Siskins on my feeders this evening, along with 40+ House Sparrows, Starlings, Collared Dove and Blackbird.

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