Friday 28 June 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News 
Marsh Warbler, Nightjar at Ham Yard, Foula.

My wood Eco Hive Composter, Ladder Planter and Window Boxes arrived this morning. Its been raining for most of the day and very windy. I got drenched preparing the spot where I wanted the composter, but good to see it in place. I positioned bricks on the ground, so the composter was not directly on the soil, hopefully it will lengthen its life a little bit.

I watched a Hedgehog running up the driveway this morning and then disappeared onto Gallow Hill to join the sheep! Lots of House Sparrows and young Starlings in my garden today. Gwen (two houses away) very kindly came and had a chat with me and she told me that the gorgeous smelling shrub in my front garden is called "Mock Orange" – delicate little white flowers and highly scented with a gorgeous orange fragrance. I gave her a tour of the house and she told me she and her sister have pictures of my house from her relatives years ago – so looking forward to seeing those one day.

Electricians came this afternoon and fitted my new Arezzo 4 Way Adjustable Ceiling Spotlight Bar Track Lighting in the studio/office and put in three new double sockets. They are coming back to do a bit of filling and then all electrical work in that room is finished. Went to the garden centre just before they closed to pick up some bags of seaweed compost, gravel and plastic sheeting to line the window boxes. Saturday looks atrocious for weather again, Sunday looks better.

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