Thursday 11 July 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News 
No news today.
Very busy week at work – fell asleep this evening. Serious three days of decorating ahead, carpet laying date has been changed to later in July. Dismal weather for July, hopefully it will improve at some point, before Autumn arrives!

1 comment:

  1. Really sad about the pilot whales.... I am wondering if we are responsible by installing offshore windmills....
    to get rid of moles, the most effective method of all is kiddies seaside windmills stuck where you see a mound... apparently it is the vibrations that make them move elsewhere.
    I am wondering if offshore windfarms have the same effect... or, upset their sense of direction.

    I am using Merlin in 20 minute "sweeps" to see what birds are around and often get high and low frequency signals that are most certainly nothing to do with bird song, but are from agricultural equipment.... and, of the Florida coast they discovered that the vibrations made by some naval equipment was disturbing the whales....
    just a thought.
