Tuesday 30 July 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News 

A mixed day of weather here with strong winds and much cooler this evening. More painting after work, the novelty is wearing off now. I was watering my plant pots late evening and I suddenly became aware of a House Sparrow (youngster), which appeared to still be feeding in the Roamwild fat ball feeder, when all other birds have gone to roost. To my horror and upset, it had its head stuck inside the section where the fat balls were – I quickly brought the feeder indoors and unscrewed the larger bird protection cage and tried to see why it was stuck. It was still moving, so all was not lost yet. I couldn't work out how it had got stuck and I couldn't remove it initially, it was only when I tipped out the remaining three fat balls, that I was able to release it. There was blood at the base of the wings, obviously from struggling to free itself. Maybe a fat ball had dropped down just enough to trap its head against the internal metal green cage. It looked exhausted, but was still warm. I took it outside and dripped some water into its beak and sat it very carefully in a large plant pot, but it fluttered away quickly into the large fuschia bush. I will be shocked if its still alive in the morning, very, very distressing. I have never had this happen with any bird feeder before – must be a design fault and needs to be addressed asap. I found this on FB, its happened to others too. I will email Roamwild about this right now. 😢 😭


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