Sunday 14 July 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News 
Gull-billed Tern at Loch of Gards, Scatness.
Loch of Gards, Scatness
Arctic Tern
Loch of Gards, Scatness
I have not been birding for AGES, so I escaped for a little while this afternoon and headed south to see the Gull-billed Tern at Scatness. I was the only person here at Loch of Gards! Spitting with rain on and off all day, so not the best of light, but what fabulous views of this awesome tern, as it flew around the loch to feed, wow and a new bird for me! Arctic Terns also and 5 Swallows skimming over the water. The Gull-billed Tern disappeared around 6.30pm, so I left.

At The Grutness Pool there were 4 Dunlins feeding, Oystercatchers, Arctic Terns, juv gulls and House Sparrows. Checked out the Pool of Virkie to see if I could find the Gull-billed Tern, but couldn't find it anywhere. Good numbers of waders including several Dunlin, Ringed Plovers, Oystercatchers, Curlews and Eiders.

Made it home in time to watch Spain beat England 😞 Spain have had an awesome day with Carlos Alcaraz beating Novak Djokovic in the Wimbledon final today too!

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