Thursday 12 September 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News 
Wryneck at Quendale Mill.
Red-breasted Flycatcher at Orca Country Inn, Hoswick.
Red-backed Shrike, Barred Warbler, Common Rosefinches x 5, Pied Flycatcher on Isle of Foula.
Pied Flycatcher at Valyie, Norwick, Unst.
Mixed day of weather – the sea looked much calmer from the hospital windows and the sun was out more than it was raining, but colder than it was a few days ago. Aurora Borealis showing well in Shetland tonight on the Webcams, but skies not clear everywhere here.
Flat packing this evening, I was putting off doing this for ages and finally got round to putting two of these sets of draws (going under my office desk) together this evening, not a quick process at all, but I worked it out in the end. I had to get this done as I have very large flat packed bookcase systems x 2 coming from Wayfair and possibly being delivered tomorrow, I think they will take two people physically to put together, but I'll try and do it myself if I can. When these have been put up against the back wall, I can start putting everything in my office studio. It will brilliant to have my first nice room to put everything in place properly and looking forward to arranging everything.

Lots of House Sparrows feeding again this evening, but no sign of the smart Leucistic House Sparrow either this morning before work or this evening. I hope it hasn't been gobbled up by the two local cats here. Now on holiday for two weeks! 😊

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your holiday, Penny... and I hope the weather stays fair!!
