Thursday 24 February 2011

Nikon ED50 Update!

See previous post 2nd paragraph down.

Very good news with my Nikon ED50 Scope that needed mending. Dodgy footplate broke and needed replacing. Cleyspy had kindly sent the scope off to Nikon. Someone who works there said I would be very lucky if Nikon mended the scope under warranty and that Nikon were 'very difficult to deal with' – I replied 'so am I'!!!!!!!!

Initially Nikon wanted to charge me, but after speaking to them on the phone they agreed to replace the footplate free of charge. It has now arrived back at Cleyspy for me to collect this weekend!!!!!!! Fantastic! Thanks to Cleyspy for assisting with this.

Cleyspy are specialists in optical equipment and are based in Glandford near Cley, Norfolk and also have another shop adjacent to the Cley NWT Visitor Centre.

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