Friday, 25 February 2011

Vandals put future of rare birds at risk - Environment - Eastern Daily Press

Norfolk Ornithologists' Assoication's Hempton Reserve is targeted by mindless vandals!!!

This is so sad. I don't understand why people do this. What is wrong with youngsters that they are so bored, they have to wreck things. When I was bored as child, I would read a book. Vandalism didn't exist when I was young - not that I can remember anyway.

Its also sad because I never did feel totally safe walking along the boardwalk to the hides and now this will probably put me off visiting in future.

Vandals put future of rare birds at risk - Environment - Eastern Daily Press


  1. That's just how the paper have titled it to make it sound more serious! Jed is talking about marsh and willow tits (see first paragraph)
