Monday 6 June 2011

MEGA - White throated Robin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Britain's third for Britain, but first twitchable


This information taken from RBA's Account

Thats typical that is...... had two weeks off and the second, the very day, I go back to work something HOT turns up. I knew as soon as I saw the rain coming down this morning there would be something mega turn up somewhere!!! Now I don't twitch outside Norfolk very often but I would have gone to see that!!! It has inspired me though - just home from work and having a VERY quick tea and then off out to find a Norfolk MEGA whilst several Norfolk birders I know are up north!!!!!!! How cool would that be! Andy W. said to me at lunchtime as he was just leaving, 'I don't suppose you'll be able to get the afternoon off? ' he said to me - Ehhhhh, no I have just had 2 weeks off, I wouldn't even ask my team leader that question!!! Nice to be in a job where you can do that at a moment's notice - we have to have 2 weeks notice for a day off!

Previous two records were Calf of Man, 22nd June, 1983 and Skokholm, 27th-30th May, 1990.

Being discussed on Birdforum here with links to other youtube videos and accounts/pics on blogs etc and video on birdforum TV here Now the national press want pictures - see here - be quick!!!! Blimey, looking at one of the youtube videos (via BF link) people were climbing ladders to look over the wall at the bird - chaos!!!

Pictures here on Surfbirds already, a video on youtube: and another below:

I can see Justin Lansdell and Sue Bryan in someone's pictures on birdforum!

Now on the BBC website, story here:
Film of birders here:

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