Monday 6 June 2011

Holme this evening

Sedge Warbler.

Juv. Common Whitethroat.

The Collared Fly tree (as I will now be calling it) by the static caravan, half way down the Firs Road at Holme, produced a male Blackcap only - there was other birds high up in the sycamore leaves, but couldn't get on them. Round the back of the bungalows I saw several common whitethroats, sedge warblers, cuckoo, pair of bullfinches flew over my head and two linnets sat on a hawthorn as the sun set. Photographed a whitethroat and a sedge warbler. Tons of dog crap everywhere, its getting behind a joke now. Left at 9.30pm.

Honeysuckle. (iphone)

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