Tuesday 7 June 2011

Norfolk Birders in Tabloids!!!!!!!

White throated Robin in Hartlepool

I can see Justin Lansdell and Sue Bryan here so far!!!



Also a bit in 'The Times' - but have to pay a pound to join, to view it all!


This picture on birdforum is absolutely brilliant!!!! http://www.birdforum.net/showpost.php?p=2162140&postcount=173

LGRE on here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIDJYMUL0mc

A VERY sad, bored, pathetic person who needs 'to get a life' just joined Birdforum to wind everyone up that the 'robin' had been captured' and he had seen it 'on a website', but when asked which website, he declined to answer and then finally said something like 'don't believe me then'. He was then promptly removed from BF by Steve. Going by his wording, he was probably a teenager and probably doesn't know the difference between a robin and a blackbird!

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